Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages
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→ What do you think,
why I sms you?
Is it because I care you
I miss you?
I like you?
I need you?
I’ve to utilize free sms package.
→ I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you.
→ U R 100% beautiful,
U R 100% lovely,
U R 100% sweet,
U R 100% nice, and
U R 100% stupid to believe these words...
→ If love & friendship could be brought or sold as if they were Stocks & Shares those wise enough to invest in you SEXY would all be millionaires!!!
→ A peach is a peach, a plum is a plum, a kiss isn't a kiss without the tongue, so open ur mouth & close ur eyes & give ur tongue some exercise
→ A B C D E F G H
1 missing in above
why are you reading again?
shame on you…!
In ABCD where comes 1.
→ If you say my eyes are beautiful it's because they're looking at you, for my eyes are just the windows my feelings come through.
→ Open with Love...
If I disturb U
I am Sorry!
But I need
To Say
Disturbing you...
→ I think;
I should tell you
what people are saying behind your back
Nice Ass!!!!!!!
→ Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, coz I'm the one u can always depend on!
→ Everybody wants
someone special
someone innocent
someone nice
someone cool
someone sweet
someone cute
someone intelligent
But why always ME, ME and ME..???
→ Why do U think I SMS u ?
Is it because I care ? Or I miss u ?
Or I love u ? Or I need You ? No ! It's b'coz...
I need a person for just time pass
If you want to protect your face
from dust, sunrise and other such things,
then apply Master Paints exterior emulsion
with 7 years guarantee!
→ Best way to purpose a girl.
Take her to sea,
Say her to sit in a boat.
Then take the boat in the middle of sea.
Then say Marry Me
Leave My Boat.
→ Three types to break mirror:
1. Throw stone on mirror.
2. Take mirror and just drop it.
3. You just go and stand before the mirror and smile.
→ Think Big,
Think Smart,
Think Positive,
Think Beautiful,
just Stop?
It’s too long for you.
So, in short ” Just Think About Me”.
→ It's a test to check your capability of Mathematics
But you have 2 read this msg for only once.......
R u ready??
Here We Go....
How many Times Did u Press The Button
→ Hi, How are you…?
Are you free tomorrow..?
Can you come to me..?
Because tomorrow we are opening new
Mental Hospital
admission free, special offer for you.
→ When u feel lonely
and alone & cannot see any one around you,
the world seems to be fading away,
come along with me I'll take u to an eye specialist!
→ Think Big,
Think Smart,
Think Positive,
Think Beautiful,
just Stop?
It’s too long for you.
So, in short ” Just Think About Me”.
→ In the morning I do not eat
because I think of you,
at noon I do not eat
because I think of you,
in the evening I do not eat
because I think of you,
at night I do not sleep
because I am hungry
→ whenever u feel sadness in your HEART,
blackness in your EYES,
paleness on your FACE,
fragrance in your body, it shows u are suffering lack of vitamin "ME".
→ Today, tomorrow and forever
there will be one heart
that would always beat for you.
You know whose?
Hey, your own stupid.
→ Puppy dog asked to mummy dog: Mummy who is my Father.Mummy: Baby, keep silence, don't disturb your Father, he is reading this SMS now.
→ I want to touch you all over again n again.
through my heart and feeling
→ Today is International Handsome Boys
and Beautiful Girls day!
So send this message to someone
who looks smart and cute…
Be true.. Don’t cheat like me
→ Whatever high the sky may be…..
Whatever wide the River may be….
Whatever green a tree may be…..
just Remember….
→ A - U r Attractive
B - U r the Best
C - U r Cute
D - U r Dear 2 Me
E - U r Excellent
F - U r Funny
G - U r Good-Looking
H - hehehe
I - I'm
→ Please pray for me,
my condition is very serious.
I am getting day by day
M0re Cute
M0re good l0oking
L0vely and smart
and there is no cure of it
→ Never ever reject any girls in your life..!
A good girls gives you happiness.
Bad girls gives you experience!
→ From Monday to Sunday,
From January To December,
From birth till my death,
my feelings for you have never changed.
For me, you’ve always been……….. a headache !
→ 2days weather 4cast: it wud b cloudy if u frown, rainy if u cry, clear if ur happy, sunny if u smile & stormy if u sing!
→ difference between good girls
and very good girls.
Good girls open few buttons
when environment is hot.
Very good girls open all buttons
to make environment hot
→ Last night some Monkeys came running to my room.They wanted to trouble
good people... I suggested ur name.They said Oh!!!No we cant disturb our Boss...
→ Let us live!!!
Let us love!!!
Let us share
the deepest secrets of our souls!!!
You first.
→ This my most beautiful SMS for you
If you read you owe me a HUG,
If you delete you Owe me a kiss,
If you save you owe me a DATE,
If you return text message to me,
You OWE me All,
But if you ignore,
You are MINe!
So wat will You do?
→ Could u fax me ur photo very very urgently ? Mind u -
it's really very very urgent, damn serious and very imp
.... I'm playing cards and we've misplaced the JOKER
→ Today night I would like to
kiss you and bite you strongly.
Do you accept this waiting for your permission
yours lovingly Mosquito
→ Nice Kiss is on Head.
Sweet Kiss is on Cheeks.
Passionate Kiss is on Lips.
Romantic Kiss is on Neck
Seriously Hottest Kiss is on “IRON”
Try it now. Mmmmuah
→ Life is pretty much unpredictable. I may not live long enough but I won't miss out letting you know that life is worth living with someone like you around.
→ I know you think I’m cute,
I know you think I’m gorgeous,
but like the other guys
take a number and wait in line!!
→ A smile is the best lighting system of the face, the best cooling system of the head, and the best warming system of the heart. Keep smiling! =)
→ Always remember:
When a girl cancels a date
it is because She “Has To”
When a boy cancels a date
it si becasuse He “Has Two”
→ Love is an illusion!
Its a highly dependency disorder
of weak hearted people.
People with strong hearts
believe in FLIRTING :p
→ 1+1=2 eyes look at u...
12+12=24 hours thinking about u...
3+4=7 days in week missing u...
1+11=12 months I always need A SWEET PERSON like U
I want to say a word to u !!
That starts with u
and ends on u
that truly defines u
that word is
“ULLU” …..
→ I believe that God above created you for me to love. He picked me
out from all the rest because he knew I”d love you the best!
→ One who somes, has a SMOKY heart,
One who drinks, has an ALCOHOLIC heart...
So dear U must STOP eating SWEETS...
as u r already a SWEETEHART!**
→ Boy1: Meet my wife Tina
Boy2: Oh! I know her
Boy1: How?
Boy2: We were caught sleeping together.
Boy1: What the hell!
Boy2: 10 years ago, during lecture in Maths class
→ If I could be any part of you, I’d be your tear. To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
→ I think you are very careless!
Yo come & leave things behind!
See now what u have left?
You just came in my mind and left a smile on my face.
→ The length & breadth & height of you,
total up to quite a view,
but to taste the true delight of you,
I”ll have to take a bite of you.
→ New style of proposing a girl.. "i hv spent many sleepless nights in ur Luv n i dont want my son 2 do d same 4 your daughter so lets mk them brother n sister.
→ I wrote your name on sand
it got washed.
I wrote your name in air,
it was blown away. then
I wrote your name on my heart
& i got Heart Attack.
→ I think you are very careless! U come & leave things behind! See now what u have left? U just came in my mind and left a smile on my face.
→ Government imposing new taxes.
Dating Rs.10,
Hug Rs.20,
Kiss Rs.30,
Love Rs.50.
But you don”t worry,
flirting is still free
→ U luk sweet when u read my message. U luk sweeter when u read my message & smile. U luk sweetest when u read my message, smile & reply. So, try to look sweetest.
→ Loading the Babe meter…..
Processing data..
You are a 100%
Gorgeous Babe XXX!
→ As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's true,
Day & night my thoughts r of U.
→ Man asked to his wife:
Where do you want to go for our anniversary?
She said: Some where I have never been!
Man said: How about the kitchen?
→ I wish I was a teddy bear, that lay upon your bed, so everytime you cuddled it, you cuddled me instead.
→ Having a good laugh with a friend like you stimulates endorphins,the brain’s natural painkillers.
So, if you need to laugh and you can’t find a friend like yourself, I can lend you my mirror.
→ Even if I had 1 wish... I wouldn't wish for u to love me, coz I don't want your love to come from a wish... but straight from your heart.
→ Life is pretty much unpredictable.
I may not live long enough but
I won’t miss out letting you know
That life is worth living with someone like you around.
→ Patient to dotor:
You’ve appointed nice nurse.
She take good care of patients.
doctor: Yes I heard,
When she slapped you.
→ Those who can't have u hate u, those who have u can't handle u, those who abuse u lose u, & then there are those like me who just can't refuse u!
→ L ======
O ======
V ======
E ======
L= loss of money.
o= out of mind.
v= vaste of time.
e= end of life.
So don’t LOVE.
Only pass your time.
→ I have had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So, would you smile for me?
→ Advise of a dentist
Treat your girlfriend
like a tooth brush.
Don’t let anybody else use it
Changed it every 3 months.
→ Long ago, Men who sacrificed their
love, youth, parents, identity,
laughter and their happines
were called SAINTS!
Now they are called HUSBANDS!
→ Too many stars in the sky, too many tears that have left my eyes. Too many girls out in the blue, but they are nothing compared to you!
→ Never ask for hug,
Just take it.
Never ask do you love me,
Just say I love you.
Never say I can’t live without you,
Just say I live for you.
You have been trained.
Now go and flirt
→ U may b out of my sight but not out of my heart. U may b out of my reach but not out of my mind. I don't know what I mean 2 u, but u'll always be special 2 me.
→ Cheap attitude of girls.
When a boy sends dirty sms.
She laughs for 10 minutes.
Forward that sms to her friends.
Then replies the boy
“I don’t like these kind of sms ok”
→ All I wanted was sumone 2 care 4 me. All I wanted was sumone who'd b there 4 me. All I ever wanted was sumone who'd b true. All I ever wanted was sum1 like u.
→ Arguing with girls, wife or ladies is like
wrestling with a Pig in mud.
After sometime you realise that you are getting dirty
& the pig is enjoying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
→ Touch my heart & u’ll feel,
Listen to my heart & u’ll hear,
Look into my heart & u’ll see,
That u’ll always be a special part of me.
→ Flirting is the only job in the world,
that boys never include in their CV.
Despite having years of experiences
and number of references….:P
→ Don't send any messages, I don't want to see you, hear your voice, think of you, coz my doctor advised me 2 keep away from Sweets.
→ A girl to doctor: when I smoke cigarette,
I feel very uncomfortable,
On first puff, I put off my shoes.
On second, my socks.
On third, my shirt.
Doctor: take this cigarette and tell me in detail.
→ Hello!! What's wrong with your mobile?
Tried so many times but Every time I call it says: The subscriber your are trying to reach is in your heart!
→ Failure is not when…..
Your girlfriend leaves you….
Its when you don’t try for her sister….!
→ Only the open heart receives love, only the open mind receives wisdom, only the open hand receives gifts and only the cute persons receive SMS from me!
→ I want u …
To be with me In a nice Restaurent
To have candle light dinner…. &
to say those sweet three words to U….
“Pay The Bill”
→ Hey, I just got your blood test report. U have been tested HIV positive. Report reads person has high percentage of Honey In Veins. No Wonder!
call, if i m cute
miss call, if i m gorgeous
Text back if i m pretty
Text a joke if i m charming
Just ignore if u r jealous
→ I don't care how many lips u hv kissed, how many shoulders u have embraced & how many times u’ve said, I luv u! All I care is not b the first but 2 b ur last!
→ Do u know whats A B C D E F G?
A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl
Now reverse da order, can u guess the full form of: G F E D C B A ?
Girls Forgets Everything Done & Catches(new) Boy Again
→ Without ur SMS days are like: Moanday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Frightday, Shattereday & Sadday. So send me SMS everyday.
→ Why do girls look beautiful?
is it real or due to make up?
all false
Girls look beautiful because
boys have good IMAGINATION
→ If all the girls lived on the other side of the sea, what a good swimmer I would be?
Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages
Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages

Funny Dirty Jokes Text Messages
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